Light Painting Tutorial: Light Man

In this Light Painting video tutorial Light Painting Photographer Jason D. Page shows you how to light paint a Light Man, or woman, using some tools from the Light Painting Brushes System. The tools used to create these spirographs are the Coast G26, the Universal Connector , the Opaque Light Writers, and the Color Filter and Hood.



Light Painting Tutorial, How To Light Paint a Light Man

In this Light Painting Photography tutorial Jason D. Page shows how to create a Light Man, or Woman, using a simple technique and tools from the Light Painting Brushes system. This is a technique that can be done when shooting alone or you can use a model to make it even easier. By simply tracing yourself or your model with light during a long exposure photograph you will leave a illuminated light being imprinted on your film or cameras sensor. An easy technique to help create extraordinary images!


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